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Busisol Sourcing (India) Private Limited

HR and Management Consultants

Job Code : JN/45342/2013
Contact Person : Sharmila.M
Industry type : logistics/Shipping/Freight Forwarding
Position : Sr.Executive / Asst.Manager- Transport
Status : active
Response Ph/Mob : 44 45110019
Response Email 1 : sharmila@busisol.net
Date : 29-Sep-2018
End Date : 30-Oct-2018
CTC Range : 7-8 Lakhs
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Job description : Key result areas shall include the following:- Develop sub-ordination in team. Develop & maintain an excellent relationship with Government agencies like customs & port etc. Optimal utilization of vehicles & equipments to achieve higher productivity. To ensure maintenance of records of books. Files, registers, CDs etc. depending upon usage. List of such records shall be prepared for convenience. To review timely performance of subordinates. Developing a team of competent subordinates. To monitor Fuel consumption and increase mileage. To Ensure Port & Customs formalities are completed within 18 hours. To reduce Truck Turn Around Time. To Train the staff during Idle Time. To enhance Seamless Services for Own & Outside Vehicles. Speedy evacuation of containers from terminal to CFS to ensure increase the storage revenue for the organization and to enhance customer satisfaction.
Uploaded Date : 29-Sep-2018


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